Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

My friend Kim found out she was pregnant one year ago today. I remember how I felt at that time, because Duane and I had also been trying to get pregnant. We didn't tell anyone, because it seems like once you tell people you are trying, they look at you completely differently. If you aren't instantly pregnant, they look at you like something must be wrong with you. Or they continuously ask you about it. We didn't want any of that -- our motto was that it would happen when it happened.

It took us about 4 months to get pregnant. I remember feeling disappointed every time my period showed up -- it makes you feel like less of a woman that you can't get pregnant instantly!

But looking at this little girl, watching her sleep so peacefully, I can't imagine having had any other egg meet with any other sperm. I watch her little personality start to develop, and my heart just fills with love. She already "talks" with her hands like her Daddy does. She has his smirk, and she is starting to smile at us when we talk to her. And she insists on putting her hands in her face when she falls asleep, as you can see here. I am really enjoying getting to know my daughter, even if it involves a lot of late-night "chat" sessions!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just remember how weird our reaction was to finding out; it was completely different than the first time since it wasn't new, but it was crazy because it was the first month I wasn't on the pill and BAM!--we were having a baby. So glad our little darlings are essentially the same age, though!