It is hard for me to believe that 4 weeks ago, I was sitting around, planning to be induced to give birth to my daughter, not knowing that my water would break within hours and I would be off to the hospital! It is hard for me to believe that I am not pregnant anymore, and yet it is hard for me to believe there was ever a time that I didn't have this little girl in my life.
In many ways, Rachel and I are still getting to know each other. I know, for the most part, which cries mean what. I know her fake cry (the one that is just a cry for attention) from her really upset cry. I know the stages of her sleep, so I can look over and determine whether she is about to wake up by the look on her face.
However, there is still a lot I don't know about her. I don't know what is bothering her when there is nothing else seemingly the matter with her. I don't know what makes her smile that adorable smile at me and Duane, and I wish I did because it makes my entire
day to see that toothless grin. I don't know exactly how to get her to sleep when she is overtired and won't eat properly.
We are still learning so much about each other, but I can tell you one thing -- she loves me unconditionally, and the feeling is definitely mutual!
Here are some amazing stats for Rachel's first month:
** She weighs over 9 lbs now, which is incredible!! She is already filling out her 0-3 month clothes pretty well.
** She is learning to nurse much more efficiently already. She has gone from 40-minute feedings to 15- to 20-minute feeding or less. This makes Mom VERY happy!
** She can hold her head up with the ability of a 2-month-old baby. The nurse who did her last assessment was amazed by her strength and muscle control. She turns her head from side to side with amazing ability and can already lift her shoulders off the ground when she is on her stomach.
** She is one gassy kid! She gives her dad a run for his money!
** And now for the unfortunate news: We believe Rachel has acid reflux. It runs in Duane's family, and he suffers from it. She occasionally seems as though she is in pain when she is nursing or after. She arches her back and cries and is generally fussy. She also gets the hiccups frequently and won't lay on her back. Apparently babies with extreme reflux like to be at an incline when they are lying down. So, I took her to the pediatrician and he prescribed some liquid zantac, which we are hoping will help her.
Sidenote: We found out yesterday that Rachel is going to have another boy cousin. Aunt Jen and Uncle Phil are expecting a baby boy in December!! Congratulations to them and to "Uncle" Donovan and "Aunt" Lindsey, who welcomed their son Brayden to the family on July 16th!
Sounds like things are going well for you guys.
She is so adorable!!
If you want a night out...don't hesitate to ask! I'm home most nights :-)
Love to read that things are going so well at one month--so fun to stay updated this way! And I LOVE your new blog design :)
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