Friday, January 4, 2008

Headed to N'awlins!

Life Updates

I haven't blogged in ummmm...a I probably haven't updated much. But for those of you who I haven't shrieked at in excitement: I AM GOING TO THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME! Mom got the tickets from the doctor she works with, so we are headed out tomorrow night. I can only hope the game is better than last year's, even if we don't win. And I can't wait to go to New Orleans again.

Baby Updates

Nothing new. I have my second appointment with the OB December 17th and she said everything sounded good. I should be feeling some flutters soon. I don't know exactly what to expect from the word "flutters." Some people say it feels like a flicking sensation. Others say bubbles or gas. So I am just sitting around, waiting for any sign of movement.

My next appointment is January 10th. I am in a battle with myself because the doctor said my weight shot up. Although she did concede that it is the holidays, I had gained 6 pounds in 5 weeks, and the standard is 2-4 pounds a month. So I was like 1 pound over. I can't imagine I will ever only gain 2 pounds in 1 month. It isn't in me, nor my genes, so I know Pudge is eating away in there!

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