Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Busy Bees!

There isn't much to update on my life or Rachel's, because we haven't done much together and I have spent the last week and a half working more than I honestly should. Every year in January, the reprint world falls to pieces and I spend a lot of time putting it all back together. I have had tremendous help, but I am mentally exhausted!

So I get home just in time to feed Rachel dinner, bathe her, and put her to bed. She has not responded well to my absence. Even though Duane is doing a great job with her while I am working, and I appreciate that more than I could ever describe here, her mood is anxious and irritable. That could be partly because her teeth are bothering her again, but she doesn't like when I am in the room and not holding her these days.

So for the update part of the blog, you have to read a lot of "Duane says" statements. Even though she isn't 7 months yet, here is the latest news:

  • Duane says Rachel crawled backward in her crib! Quite the accomplishment, I think.

  • Duane worked a lot with Rachel on sitting last week, and she can pretty much stay in a seated position now for a while. She eventually topples over, but it is nice to put her in her crib sitting up with some toys scattered around her. I do that in the mornings when I am getting ready.

  • She is on half formula, half breastmilk now. My production plummeted about a month ago, and I am making less than half what I had been. I guess that's okay, but I really want to get her to 9 months before I wean her completely. Plus, formula is really expensive. I can't imagine what it must be like to formula feed exclusively for this long.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can tell you EXACTLY what it's like to formula-feed for that long... :(

Aiden has that same book-toy thingie from the first picture. He says hi to the Mrs!!!