Wednesday, November 28, 2007

11 weeks!

I can't believe I did not immediately update my blog after the 8-week appointment, but I probably talked to most people who would read this anyway, so what the heck. I slacked off a little bit...
Everything went fine with the appointment! We saw and heard the heartbeat and the doctor said everything looks normal. At that time, "Pudge" (you can guess why we nicknamed him/her that from the picture) was measuring 9 weeks, but gestationally (is that a word?) I was 8.5 weeks. So my official due date is June 19th! My next appointment is December 17th. Since then, I have also found out that my roommate from college is due for her second child June 16th, and one of Duane's best friends is expecting with his wife about a month after we are. Babies everywhere! We should start our own daycare.
I have reached the point where most of my pants are uncomfortable and my tops all make me feel/look fat. I seriously need to go clothes shopping. I am trying to hold out on major purchases for myself until after Christmas though. We'll see what happens. The other issue is money, of course. (Isn't it always?) I am really trying to get a few of our major bills paid off before June 19th, so I feel like money is really tight. Plus with the holidays, you know the feeling...
Duane was sick 2 days this week. He still has a major pain in his back. He thinks it might be his kidneys flaring up. I was also sick yesterday, but that could have been in sympathy for him, because I seem to be fine now. Hormones. He goes to see the doctor tomorrow so maybe they will figure something out.
This was the first Thanksgiving in forever where I just ate and didn't count calories. Well, I counted, but I didn't care! I ate a little portion of a lot of things, had my annual slice of pecan pie, and never looked back!! I suppose I have gained 10 more pounds now, but oh well. Like Lori says, I watch what I eat all the time. This should be a time when I don't have to be quite as careful, so long as I'm not binging or anything.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

8 weeks!

I will have a picture to post soon. I took one yesterday right before I went to the Illinois vs. OSU game with my mom. I bought a new pair of jeans to wear to the game, because my jeans have been feeling a little tight, and I didn't want to be sitting uncomfortably for 4 hours. My work pants are slightly tighter, but not super uncomfortable, but my jeans have just been awful. These maternity jeans are SO comfortable -- I love them!

Not much other news to report. Our first appoint is tomorrow afternoon. I am really excited about that because we will get to see our baby for the first time and hear the heartbeat I hope! These 4 weeks of wondering have been really rough. Every twinge or cramp sends you into a panic!

I have gained about 4 pounds. I was hoping not to have gained much yet, but no such luck. This stinks, because I am deathly afraid of being a fat pregnant lady. I would love to be mostly baby. Maybe once this morning sickness passes and I don't need to eat every hour I will be able to tone it down some. I may even get back to working out a little bit.

Oh, we also bought a new car. Duane's truck died (it has been a bad week for us with cars, because my tires also needed replaced this week), so we had to buy a new vehicle 8 months ahead of schedule. I kept hoping it would last us until next June at least, but no such luck. We got a 2002 Lincoln LS. Not my choice in a car, because I know nothing about Lincolns or how long they last. If it were a 2002 Honda, I would say no problem -- it will last us another 10 years. But this was Duane's car, so it was his choice and I get to choose the next one. It will definitely be a Honda. Hopefully we won't need another car until we are done paying for the Lincoln. Cross your fingers. I will also be really amused when the baby spits up all over Duane's leather seats for the first time. He seems to think leather will be better for cleaning up. We'll see. :)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Morning Sickness and more

Sorry I have been neglecting my journal. Let's just say I haven't really been up to writing a lot lately. And there isn't much to say, beyond the fact that I only feel good for about 3 hours of the day.

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and have to pee. I hear this will become a nightly ritual for me soon, as the uterus continues to push on my bladder. When I wake up in the morning, I generally feel awful. It takes me a good 20 minutes to actually get out of the bed, and this time is spent nibbling on Saltines (which are now the most awful food to me) and sipping on ginger ale that has sat out all night. Murdock really enjoys this ritual, because I tend to share the Saltines with him so I don't feel so alone in my plight.

After I pull myself out of bed, I go through my morning ritual...slowly. I wash my face, put my contacts in, and, with dread, brush my teeth.

Why do I dread brushing my teeth? Seems like an easy task, doesn't it? Well, when you are pregnant, your gag reflex multiplies by about 100. I gag when I see food that doesn't appeal to me, I gag when I smell something that isn't appealing, and I gag when I brush my teeth. Even before I brush my tongue, I start to gag by the mere presence of the toothbrush in my mouth. And when I start to gag, my stomach turns on me, and I often heave as well. Generally I can fight off the heaving, but Friday, I decided to let myself puke to see if I would feel better.

I didn't.

My hunger isn't quite as awful as it was. I think I have gotten used to eating smaller meals more often throughout the day, and this keeps the hunger at bay. Eating for me is like an Olympic event these days. At a restaurant, I scan the menu for something that seems both nutritious and appealing. That can be harder than it sounds. Junk food sounds good, because that is usually what will stay down, but I am struggling to get my nutrients in as well. Protein rarely sounds good to me. Carbs sounds wonderful. Anything with carbs -- potatoes, bread, chips -- sounds wonderful.

After I have found something that will work, I take a bite. Then I sit for a couple minutes. Then I take another bite. Sit. Bite. Sit. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?

I took the big risk of stepping on the scale the other day. I was surprised that I have only gained 2 pounds. (Well, 1.5 lbs.) I feel like I have been eating so much more that I have gained 5 pounds already, but the scale disagrees, and my pants do still fit, even though my jeans are uncomfortable because they push on my stomach.

My first appointment is a week from tomorrow. I am really excited and nervous about that. I will be happy to have the doctor see what's going on down there. The spotting I was having stopped for a whole week, but it was there very faintly again this morning. The nausea, therefore, becomes more tolerable for me because I know it is a really good sign. My sister also spotted with her pregnancies, so that makes me feel encouraged too. If all goes as planned, we will hear our baby's heartbeat for the first time November 12th!

I haven't taken a good belly pic lately. I have to get batteries for my camera. I will soon though!!