Duane's job is also a source of stress right now. Some management re-organization has led to some questions in where we are going to be in the next few months.
So for now, through all this stress, I am trying to leave the weekends for family and friends. Duane left for another round of races this weekend, so last Saturday Rachel and I
headed out for a playdate at COSI. I hadn't been there since I was a Girl Scout, I think, so it was intriguing to me. Rachel even "Oooooo'ed" over many things we saw. She is getting so perceptive. Her daddy has taught her how to say some fun words (i.e., Alllllllll-riiiiight! and Oooooo-eeeeee-zzzzzy). She seemed to do really well through most of the day with no nap, and I enjoyed getting out.
This weekend, with my long project finally mostly behind me, I went out with some good friends to celebrate my friend Lawrene. Unfortunately, she was let go from our company suddenly, and Friday was her last day. So we sent her off in style, and I am confident she will find an even better job. It was a good way to celebrate the virtual end of this stressful project too, and even though there is no end in sight to my busy workdays, I am trying to stay positive.
I have some days off this month for Rachel's 2nd birthday! I can't believe my baby girl is almost 2! I still vaguely remember her kicking me late at night. I barely remember when we couldn't get her to sleep in anything but her swing. I slightly r
ecall nursing her once or twice a night, wishing she would fall asleep so I could get some rest. Now I put her to bed and I am sad because I want to talk to her some more.
Her sentences are starting to become more complex now. I am excited to head to the doctor on the 18th for her check-up to see what he thinks. I just remember back to last month when it was a challenge to get two words from her, and now she is really communicating with us. She understands us completely, and she is learning how to ask us for what she wants without pointing and whining so much. This weekend, she looked at her cousin and said "Why Ca'en cy-ing Mama?" (read: "Why is Caden crying Mama?")
Last time I weighed her on our home scale, she was 24 lbs! (The fact that she is addicted to mini chocolate-frosted donuts may have something to do with that.) She has now officially outgrown her 18-month pants. She got her first real boo boo and handled it like a champ. She barely cried!
Last time I weighed her on our home scale, she was 24 lbs! (The fact that she is addicted to mini chocolate-frosted donuts may have something to do with that.) She has now officially outgrown her 18-month pants. She got her first real boo boo and handled it like a champ. She barely cried!
I am excited to see what this month brings. I know it will be stressful, but it should be rewarding. My best friend Kim finds out the sex of her baby on Thursday (I am betting on a girl!), and I am psyched for that!! Then, I am headed to the track this weekend to watch Duane race. =)
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