Sunday, January 31, 2010

Not a lot has changed for me this month, with one major exception -- I CAN SEE!! For the first time in 17 years, I can see clearly without the aid of glasses or contacts. When I wake up in the middle of the night, I can see the clock without fumbling for my glasses, inevitably knocking them on the floor and having to search for them. It's wonderful. I had LASIK at Bloomberg Eye Centers on January 7th. I can't describe to you how great this feels. People ask me how I feel, if I can see better than before. The answer: No. I see exactly the same as I did with my contacts. The difference: I don't have to put them in every morning and take them out every night. I don't get aches in my eyes when they start to go bad, and I don't have to invest $200 in contacts a year and $10 a month in solution anymore.

I am still working, still enjoying my new department, for the most part. Duane's job continues to demand a lot of his time, but we can't complain -- we have been blessed to profit in a time when a lot of people are suffering. We have the luxury of being able to go out and buy things that we need (and some things we want) when we need them.

trying to figure out what I want to change in my life. I am still trying to lose that last 10 pounds of baby weight. Try as I might, nothing seems to stick. I suppose if I ate better and worked out in combination, that would probably bring about better results, but I have trouble with the concept. I like to reward myself for exercising. :)

Aside from the physical, I know there are things I would like to change. For one thing, we are laying out plans for a major overhaul of the house. I worked up an Excel spreadsheet, room by room, of everything we would like to do to the house over the next couple of years. We aren't sure if we will stay here for the long haul or try to move before Rachel starts school. I think we would like to get closer to the Gahanna or Westerville area, if we can. But even if we were to move, the house needs some work, and we finally have the funds to support all of our lofty dreams. So the plan is to tackle one room every couple of months.

Personally, I would like to take up a hobby that will keep me happy. I don't have a lot of time to spare, so I want to do something that won't be too involved. I always thought I should try to learn to knit or crochet. That is something you can come back to at your leisure, without having to get a lot of equipment out or invest a lot of time in one stretch. I love my cake decorating too though, and I have been wanting to invest more energy into getting better at that.

Also, I have researched some camera classes online, because I have this fancy schmancy camera and I barely know how to use it. Hence, I get a lot of pictures of Rachel, but only a couple that I actually think merit the use of such an expensive camera. So I think I will enroll in the class next month.

Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by everything I want to change. It can give me anxiety that causes a lot of pent-up frustration. But I just have to remember to take baby steps and enjoy each day. I feel very blessed right now.

Speaking of blessed, here are a few pictures of the thing I am most grateful for when I wake up in the healthy little girl! She is a character. Her latest quirk is mean-mugging Duane and me and then bursting into laughter, then turning back to a mean mug again. She has learned "Please" (which comes out "Peas"), and we had to lock the pantry to keep her from breaking into it and stealing cookies when we aren't paying attention. She got baby dolls for Christmas, and she carries them everywhere with her. I forgot to take baby with us to the sitter's one day last week, and when she wasn't there when Rachel got to the car, I heard about it.

Bring on February!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

I know I haven't posted since Halloween-time, but I have been very busy at home. I have had a lot of freelance work since August, which has been wonderful for me and my family. With that and Duane's new job, we were able to have a very nice Christmas with each other and our respective families. Normally, I try to buy nice things for the people I love, but I have to draw the line at a certain amount, and I feel like a cheapskate. I know that it shouldn't matter how much I spend, but I like to get nice things for the families -- especially for all the nieces and nephews. And now that Rachel is more aware of what kinds of toys she enjoys, it was really nice to be able to buy her some nicer presents, instead of the many clothes she received from Santa last Christmas. And then Duane and I got to buy real presents for one another as well, and we didn't exchange anything last Christmas.

I have also fully transitioned into my new position at work, and it is much better than I had ever anticipated. I like being part of a smaller group of people. It is a strange feeling, not working IN the actual math department. I felt like a big part of that group. But the first day I went back downstairs to look for something, no one so much as said hi to me downstairs. A few of my friends always stop me to chat, but everyone else acts like I am an alien. I never would have thought I would be so easily dismissed by the people I used to work so closely with, but there you have it. To add to the weirdness, Kim and I sit farther apart than ever before. We see each other far less than usual (only once or twice a DAY!), so the adjustment has been strange. But the job itself is great! It took aware the part of my job I disliked the most and added some other operations aspects instead, and I have really enjoyed it. The people are nice, my boss couldn't be much more of an improvement (if you know what I was going through in the past, you would be chuckling right now), and I really don't mind going to work every day.

Duane has also fully transitioned into his new job, and on top of the perk of a bigger paycheck, he gets to decide when he wants to work OT, and he doesn't have to deal with the distraction of working with family anymore, which has improved his relationship with his parents quite a bit.

On top of all the work stuff, Rachel has blossomed into quite the little lady. Santa treated her very well, and she received her very first potty. She isn't ready for potty training just yet, but she takes a great interest in the concept of using the bathroom, so we decided to put the potty out so she can grow used to it. The first night it was out, she sat down on it and smiled. Maybe we will have her out of diapers by the time we decide to have another baby! (Don't get excited -- it won't be anytime soon.)
At her last doctors appointment, Rachel was 21 pounds (12th percentile), 32 inches (52nd percentile), and had a head circumference in the 90th percentile. So my child is long and lean with a BIG head! HA! Maybe she is a genius. She has developed so much in the last few months, adding more words to her vocabulary and developing new talents and interests. She really enjoys coloring, music (she also received a piano from Santa), and playing mommy. She carries her cabbage patch baby around with her and gives her a bottle. She still loves to play tea party too! Her latest words include "Happy," "Cheese," "Go-Go" (she calls most dogs this, because the sitter's dog is named "Cocoa"), and the sound effect "Shhhhh." She is very good at repeating what you want her to say, in her own way. By far, though, she is most interested in food. She can now reach our door handles, and she is accomplished at getting into the pantry and trying to get her graham crackers out.
As for our Christmas, Duane bought me a bed (the headboard and footboard) and a television for our bedroom. It has been WONDERFUL. I used to look at our bedroom and sigh, because it looked like a bachelor pad -- just a room with a bed in it. Now it feels like OUR bedroom. I got him, well, a motorcycle. He bought a motorcycle from his friend to replace his current motorcycle, which he might sell, or he might keep it as a streetbike. I also got him a new helmet, some cologne, and 2 tickets to an OSU men's basketball game.
I have been on a mission to lose some weight since Rachel was born, but I seem to have gone in the opposite direction lately. I started walking on our treadmill while I watch TV. I figure I am watching TV anyway, I might as well walk. It makes me feel pretty good about myself, though I haven't lost weight yet, so I am going to have to start a diet to cut down on the junk. So stay tuned for updates. I need to lose about 15 pounds before I will be happy with myself.

Duane and I decided to have a New Year's Eve party this year. It was quite an endeavor, because we never do anything halfway, but it was a lot of fun. Usually we make plans with one couple for NYE, and the plans generally fall through because the other couple is sick or something comes up. It is just our rotten luck. So we decided to have a full-fledged affair this year. I don't think we will do it again next year, but we hope that one of our friends will pick up the reins and it can be a rotating thing. We had a great time -- it was just a LOT to handle all at once, so it isn't something we would do every single year. And I think I am ready to move on to a more tame atmosphere too. After all, I am turning 30 this year. I can still have fun, but I'm definitely not in college anymore. My body suffers more for my decisions more than it used to.

The most exciting thing happening now is my LASIK eye surgery scheduled for this Thursday!!! I went in for a consultation, and I was a little disappointed with what I found out about the price. Then my friend referred me to Bloomberg Eye Centers and I was much more impressed. It is a big step for me, and even though the surgery is relatively routined, I am a bit worried. But the prospect of waking up in the middle of the night and being able to see the clock immediately, without reaching for my glasses, for the first time since I was 12 years old...well, I will take the risk. And for an extra $100 per eye, I am going to be able to have my vision retweaked at any point during my lifetime. It is my "motorcycle" of sorts. Duane doesn't understand fully because he has near-perfect vision, but for those of you out there who wear contacts or glasses, you know how frustrating it is to wake up in a blurry haze. And if we do plan to have another child, I would like the comfort of waking up for midnight feedings without having to find my glasses.

So moving forward, I will try to be better about updating my blog. Hopefully I didn't lose my faithful readers during the hiatus!